Sunday, January 13, 2008


Hi’s ben a while I posted anything. While I was away, I came across a certain “lady” and she suggested this topic may be a good come back one. I’m yet to agree:)

Nonetheless, I’m still undecided as to whether or not I’ll post this when I’m done.

As you may already be able to tell that I find it difficult to make up my mind and so says some “soul” about Librans.

I lost my virginity when I was 10 ;) (that explains a great deal no? to me though.)

Almost anytime I think of dating, right there in the back of my head, I’m thinking “tie the knot?”

I’ve dated 3 girls ……… (not concurrently:) )

I watch porn….it doesn’t end there. I’ve developed a photographic memory for a purpose (I’ll leave you guessing now)

I’m in the habit of keeping biscuit or sweet wrappers in my pocket (this is just so I do not litter….but I forget to drop any of the wrappers when come across a bin so I end up taking them home with me:) )

I trim my eyebrows (when I feel the need….this is just about ever so often :) )

I cut my hair every three days (I’m hairy all over….but it’s moderate in the places I consider private…and that’s because I make it moderate. By shaving too)

Lately I’ve been having breakfast….and then brushing my teeth afterwards? (uhm…still wanna kiss?:) )

Finally!! I’m big on masturbation (this is a complement of one of the lines above :) )


Now I honestly do hope you have found this interesting…. Because I posted this for the last reason in particular :)

How weird is that?


desperate lady said...

lmaooooooooo omg Toochi u are so damn weird. U shave ur *coughs*?
K u have to blog about how u lost ur virginty at 10, i'm eager to know wa gwan mehn.
umm who's this certain pretty lady? do i know her?
I do that biscuit wrap shit maan, i honestly don't know why but i think its cool lol.

bumight said...

ok, DL, let's take this outside!
back to business: i see someone has been riding their M class! and about the hair every 3 days is a bit...too much?
#2 might be good :-) lol!
I lyk that u trim ur eyebrows too!

Queen of My Castle said...

Tooch! There's so much about you that I did not know!!! LOL Glad to have you back and posting, dear.

Ummm, yeah, don't ALL people shave their *cough* private parts? Nothing ruins a head job like pubes.

LOL @ Bumight about the M class.

Toochi said...

@ qmc :)you'll soon find out more....stick around:) i'm lost....what's this "M Class"?

UnNaked Soul said...

LMAO@Bumight... Silly girl...

DL you do that too???? uhmmm...

SMSL said...

LMAO, Toochi you are too much.