Thursday, August 16, 2007


Hello everyone,
It’s a beautiful day.
It’s been raining outside for the last 13 hours which means most people are stuck indoors. What this most insignificant of fact means is during the last 13 hours I have had more phone calls from people than I have had in as many days.
No …
J-lo is yet to call.

Being sickled cell is hard enough. You’ve got red blood cells itching to tear around in your veins at over a 100 miles an hour. Problem is your veins are designed to handle speed limits of 15miles. So what happens?
You get traffic jams.
And lots of accidents.
When your veins get blocked I don’t care who you are, you’ve got two things left to do.
Cry and cry,
Hurts like hell.
And then some more.

But fortunately today is not one of those days. I’m not in pain. Veins are in good shape. Most of the annoying red blood cells are behaving. It’s a lovely day.

I’ve got a leg ulcer.
It’s as a result of all those high-speed chases and accidents. It’s an annoying large sore sited slightly above my ankle. It’s been there for the last 4 years. I’ve been through so many therapies that I’m all but set to hack the thing off. It’s probably a very very bad idea.
But it happens to be the only idea that I haven’t tried yet.
I’m getting a bit desperate.

Till I go cowboy and do it, I’m hoping eventually I’ll get a treatment tha'll actually work.
If anyone knows of any good therapy i'd be more than happy to hear it.
Most of the time I have the sore wrapped up in plaster so it doesn’t get worse.
And yes. It hurts just as bad.

Silver lining?
Does anyone know Shakira?

SO here I am typing . Looking fondly at a picture of my friends and I. There are five of us. We’ve all got crazy looks on our faces as we yelled at the camera.
It was at a birthday party. Everything was perfect. Everyone was laughing. My leg was in order. No pain.
A moment of perfection frozen in a picture..
I wish my life was always like that.
But it never really is.
Probably never will.

It’s like some really wise guy said.
Life would be so much easier , if life was easy......


Jeff Corbin said...

The plastered that always reminds me of Ichigo's plasters in bleach. :)

And the picture perfect was more like picture crazy man. Come on...for them the picture before i do. :)

bighead said...
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Ms. Catwalq said...

BigHead has a point but I won't say it that cruelly.
It must be hard living as you do and God knows I am greatful for my life.
Try and look at life in a more pleasant and upbeat way. Don't feel offended for my saying that as I have no idea what your pain is like but I am not foreign to pain.
I used to wear a leg brace and was an out patient at Igbobi for quite a while...
Think about all those who love you and are blessed because you are still here. Think about the best experiences you have had. Share them with us so we can celebrate your life with you and cease to question God why.
Have a lovely weekend, ok?

Mrs Somebody said...

Catwalq said it better........
@Bighead...hmmmm........are you really a big head?
Tochi just be strong.I know it ain't easy but there are other good things about your big heart.And you have great friends all around you,including the one whose name you still don't know.Keep blogging.

Atutupoyoyo said...

Keep your head up bruv. I am sure many of your posts are tongue in cheek anyways.

Your humour is self-deprecating and there ain't nothing wrong with that. I don't see your posts as feeling self pitying but actually quite optimistic and educational. Have I read it wrong?

Toochi said...

Damn it!!!! Who's complaining!!! It's just a friggin introductory story.... I like to be as accurate as possible.... and then you think it's SELF PITY?! kiss my friggin teeth...
lol....Now time for the real reason i'm here.... BLOGGING! i hate to have people i dislike so early... just wait for the next post... Oh my just wait (evil) Muhahahahah!

Queen of My Castle said...

LOL...Am diggin your wit, and you have a point, blogging is all freedom of expression, no matter the expression.

adumaadan - Blacktinkerbell said...

Well, I was born with far more intelligence than is legal. Does anyone hear me complaining and son't even get me started on my amazing beauty. Oh! what shall I do with myself? This gift is such a burden.

UndaCovaSista said...

Don't mind them, jare. This illness is a big part of your life and therefore you are bound to think,blog, speak, whatever, about it.

Nice posts.....

bumight said...

stumbled on this. sickle cell got me excited for a totally different reasons . I've had one too many lectures about it.
love the posts and will be visiting more often. takia

Anonymous said...

u delelted the controversial comment? i'da liked to see it.