Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Being Single

Being single has got its perks.
Make no mistake about it.
But it’s such a long way from dating. It’s almost as if it’s a
different life.
I’ve dated a couple of times my ridiculous life. Most of them
were fun. And yet after the last spell of love I decided that I
would go solo for a while. Try living life on my own. Hanging out
with guys. Catch up on all those things I missed when I was goo-
goo eyed for some female.
I’ll be honest with you, the days seemed different.
Take Saturday for instance.
Whereas in the past I would wake on a Saturday morning planning on
spending the most of it with my girlfriend. Gisting about the woes
of the week. And cuddling up with her to watch movie after movie.
I now spend the entire day arguing with friends about who the
likely winner of the premiership match(less likely...the more
likely would be a computer game), scheduled to be played later in
the day, will be.
Instead of making faces at my girlfriend during the day, nibbling
her ear lobe and playing who is the best kisser, while we debate
if we should get up and cook a meal or just snack it for lunch , I
spend my afternoons drinking beer or coke and watching the match
with my friends. Drabbed in the colors of my club and yelling
every single insult that pops into my head at fans of the opposing
After the match I spend the rest of the evening celebrating with
my teammates if a win is the outcome or defending the choices of
my coach and goal keeper when a loss is announced. Beer or coke
never leaves the table. We keep drinking and drinking. Caution
thrown to the wind after the third bottle..
Now if I was dating I would have been looking eagerly towards the
evening. When I would be free to go deeper into the cuddle and
kisses that i had shared with my girlfriend. Free to go crazy and
kiss her in all the secret places of her body. If a tub of ice-
cream was in the fridge I’d be assured a really really good night
with her ( Images. Images. Stay away!!). We wouldn’t get much
sleep though that’s for sure. Not if I had a say about it.
If she happened to wear the sexy red nightdress that accentuated
her curves and hugged the swell of her derriere …well then….there’d
definitely be no sleep for either of us. I’m an African with
African appetites.

Without a girl to end the night with though, Saturday night can
end in different ways . I can either admit my lack of sobriety
and go home. Or carry my Dutch courage to the night club with
single friends. Male and female. There we’ll dance the night away
laughing at each other and having as much fun as we can.
True there are no orgasms but the night is always a lot of fun.
With friends beside me we dance until dawn breaks. Not a care in
the world beyond what the next song is going to be.
Sundays are the puzzle. The same thing happens to me. Whether I’m
dating or not.
I lie in bed with a headache and my body worn out.


Jeff Corbin said...

aawwww....poor tooch! Miss her?! Wanna call her? You better not man! You know i'll kill you!

Just party like its 1969...everything will be okay bud...i think?

Atutupoyoyo said...

Sounds like a man fresh from a break up. I feel your pain bruv.

I would trade one Saturday with my girlfriend than a hundred with awon boys. That is until, of course, when I am next in a relationship when I will crave all the free time I can get. The paradox of relationships.

Queen of My Castle said...

Aw, poor thing. Need a hug?

African with African appetite? Hmmm *Raised eye brow*

Queen of My Castle said...

@Jeff, why are you torturing this poor soul? You really need a hug. LOL

Thirty + said...

Are you really missing her?
@Jeff, what is your own

Toochi said...

lol...the break up is old people....over a year thought to write about it:)...anyways, wouldn't that hug be lovely *wink* from the queen of her castle though*wink*
@jeff....damn you! of all people should know if anything...PUNK!:)
@30+...not missing her in the slightest:D

Toochi said...

how ironic 30+...your astro sign is taurus...just like my ex...hmmmmm.

UnNaked Soul said...

nice write up...
well articulated...
I'll kick ur ass in FIFA... tonight!
*devilish grin*

AIVY said...

eeya, don't worry... you'll find someone else to hug on a saturday night...

Jeff Corbin said...

@queen: Yes darling...i really need a hug...can i have one? please?

@30+: Um...nothing?

adumaadan - Blacktinkerbell said...

lol! you are a real riot. Sundays are a real puzzle he says. Now, I don't know if your so called freedom is being professed tongue in cheek or not.

By the way, you write pretty well.

Diary of a Gypsy Princess said...

first of.. jess's a prick ( but u know i just love 22 pick on him) n 2ndly darling...awwwwwwww!!!
my best remedy- get a girlfirend man! guyz will do u no good- specially guyz lyk jeffery....

ibiluv said...


Mommy said...

"Sundays are the puzzle. The same thing happens to me. Whether I’m
dating or not.
I lie in bed with a headache and my body worn out."
I don't know why this statement just got me. ;o)

Queen of My Castle said...

I'll hug you if you update soon. LOL

Anonymous said...

i like your blog.

Lighty 'neferet' Kopearl said...

MATE!!! looks like u've got to start doing some serious calling. ur body needs her dont let ur ego stop u ohh.

is it ego???
well if its not ehmmmm... i dont know what advice to give. all i know is if u miss her that much, it means she means something to u. it dont matter whateva happened.

and bruv! why do u make being single soo straining? its not that bad come on, lighten up.

lol! bless ur living heart. i like ur blog.